

Pet Fish

I've always wanted an aquarium but as a kid, I didn't have the appropriate accessories and all the fishes died. Last year I got a Betta Fighter Fish that lived for almost a year in a simple jar without a water pump or anything. But now, I have a complete aquarium with accessories and all. I started having an aquarium in January this year. I've had a variety of species since January coz the fishes kept dying around March/April. So, I got new ones and lost some more later on. I will keep you posted on the inhabitants of my aquarium on and off.

 This is the aquarium as it was in January this year. The blue fish on the left is the 1st Betta Fighter fish I got. The others are Lion Heads and Goldfishes.

This is the aquarium some weeks back. Here there are my Goldfish and Angel Fish. My Angel Fish grew quite fast and is an eager eater.
On the gravel you can see 3 Pleco fishes i.e. algae eaters. They spend all their time cleaning up everything that's in the tank, including other fishes (who don't always appreciate!) One of them got quite big (from 3cm to 8cm in 6 months!)
 My 2nd Betta Fish (Red and Bluish), my 2 Goldfishes and Angel Fish 

 The black fish over there is my Black Ghost Fish. Quite a specimen this one! Very lonesome and aloof, it never comes up the surface to feed, but rather picks up what falls on the gravel... It almost always remains hidden amongst the deco. I actually had to remove all the deco to shoot this one! But it's cute and looks like it's a piece of cloth gliding in the water. 

 Top view of my aquarium

 My 2 Goldfishes are very close to each other and are always playfully chasing each other around.

 At the bottom you can see 2 Tiger Bar fishes, quite new members of the community.

 Here is a good view of my Angelfish and my 2 Guppies. I think they are both male coz of their bright colours as compared to females which are more whitish and dull in appearance. They are so tiny. I feed them micro flakes.

 My 2 Tiger fishes

 Another good shot of my 2 Guppies, which is a rare one since they are very shy. Top left is my Fighter fish.

 Here's a shot of the decorations in the aquarium. On the extreme left is my protruding eyed black goldfish. This is one of my 1st fishes and it grew a lot. It's so cute!